Health Inspection Information

The inspection history for the business you selected is displayed below. Each inspection may have zero or more violations. A health inspection report is a "snapshot" of the day and time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment could have more or fewer violations than noted here. Inspections are based on regulations to eliminate risk factors for illness or injury. Every violation is coded indicating the degree of risk in causing an illness or injury.

  • Critical, Major, or Foodborne Illness Risk Factor Violations: These violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to illness or injury. Inspectors work with operators to make sure that these violations are corrected whenever feasible before they leave the establishment. A re-inspection may be scheduled to verify compliance.
  • Non-Critical, Minor or Good Retail Practice Violations: These violations are not directly related to the cause of illness or injury, but if uncorrected, could negatively affect the operation of the facility, such as maintenance and cleanliness.

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

Facility Details
Program Childcare
Facility Name Acres Green Elementary
Business Name Acres Green Elementary/ Preschool
Address 13524 Acres Green Dr
Littleton, CO 80124-2701
Phone 303-387-7125

Inspection Details
11/28/2018 Inspection, Routine
07b - Non-Critical
: Building
Inspector Comments: The paint on the wall near the book center in the Preschool B classroom was chipped.
08j - Non-Critical
: Handwashing/Bathing Facilities
Inspector Comments: The caulking on the hand sink in the Preschool B room was torn. The faucet on the hand sink in the Preschool B room was leaking upon inspection.
14c - Critical
: Art and Science Materials
Inspector Comments: Numerous bags of beans, pasta, corn, and oatmeal were not labeled "not for consumption" throughout the Preschool A room. Numerous bags of pasta and tubs of oatmeal were not labeled "not for consumption" in the cabinet near the hand sink in the Preschool B room. Corrective action: The person in charge labeled the food product correctly.
01/04/2017 Inspection, Follow-Up
12/12/2016 Inspection, Routine
07b - Non-Critical
: Building
Inspector Comments: The hand sink counter in classroom A is inadequately sealed to the wall.
08d - Critical
: Hot Water Supply
Inspector Comments: The hand sinks in both classrooms did not reach a minimum hot water temperature of at least 90°F.
09e - Non-Critical
: Toys, Furnishing & Equipment
Inspector Comments: Soft toys and dress up clothes are not properly laundered at least once per week when in use.
10c - Critical
: Handwashing and Hygienic Practices
Inspector Comments: Children do not wash their hands after snack in both of the preschool classrooms. Hand sanitizer was used in place of hand washing before certain activities in classroom A.
10e - Critical
: Sanitizers
Inspector Comments: The sanitizer concentration in classroom A measured greater than 200 ppm chlorine residual.
10f - Critical
: Disinfectants
Inspector Comments: Sanitizer is used instead of disinfectant when cleaning up high hazard bodily fluids in both classrooms. An unapproved, scented disinfectant spray was being used in classroom A.
12d - Critical
: Diapering
Inspector Comments: Sanitizer is used instead of disinfectant to clean the diaper changing mat after use.
14b - Critical
: Poisonous or Toxic Materials
Inspector Comments: A chemical spray bottle above the hand sink in classroom A was unlabeled as to its contents.
12/15/2014 Inspection, Routine
03b - Non-Critical
Facility: Building, Detached Structures, Modulars
Inspector Comments: Several lights in the preschool rooms were not functioning.
06d - Critical
Disease Prevention: Proper Use, Storage, Labeling of sanitizers/disinfectants, immunization records
Inspector Comments: Both preschool rooms were not sanitizing the bean bags or were using Lysol wipes instead of the toys and tables sanitizer. The facility was using the toys and tables sanitizer for the diaper changing disinfectant.
06e - Non-Critical
Disease Prevention: Staff Hygienic Practices, maintenance of sensory tables
Inspector Comments: The facility was not disposing of organic material in the sensory tables every 7 days.
12/18/2012 Inspection, Routine
02/22/2012 Inspection, Routine
02/28/2011 Inspection, Routine
03/19/2010 Inspection, Routine

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

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