Health Inspection Information

The inspection history for the business you selected is displayed below. Each inspection may have zero or more violations. A health inspection report is a "snapshot" of the day and time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment could have more or fewer violations than noted here. Inspections are based on regulations to eliminate risk factors for illness or injury. Every violation is coded indicating the degree of risk in causing an illness or injury.

  • Critical, Major, or Foodborne Illness Risk Factor Violations: These violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to illness or injury. Inspectors work with operators to make sure that these violations are corrected whenever feasible before they leave the establishment. A re-inspection may be scheduled to verify compliance.
  • Non-Critical, Minor or Good Retail Practice Violations: These violations are not directly related to the cause of illness or injury, but if uncorrected, could negatively affect the operation of the facility, such as maintenance and cleanliness.

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

Facility Details
Program Food
Facility Name Old Chicago
Business Name Old Chicago 12
Address 16990 E Iliff Ave
Aurora, CO 80013-1518
Phone 303-338-0144

Inspection Details
08/05/2021 Inspection, Re-Inspection
07/27/2021 Inspection, Routine
10 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
Inspector Comments: 5-205.11 Using a Handwashing Sink-Operation and Maintenance (Pf): The hand sink at the grill line was used as a dump sink. The paper towel dispenser at the expo line was blocked and in disrepair. Corrective Action: Proper hand sink use was discussed with the manager.
22 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Proper cold holding temperatures
Inspector Comments: 3-501.16(A)(2) Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Hot and Cold Holding (P): Multiple foods were stored above 41°F (44-53°F) for less than four hours at the cold top refrigerators by the grill and pizza oven. Corrective Action: All food was moved to the walk-in refrigerator and a service technician was called before the inspector arrived on site.
33 - Good Retail Practices
Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
Inspector Comments: 3-501.15 Cooling Methods (Pf): Tomato sauce was observed cooling in a very large, deep container in the walk-in refrigerator. Corrective Action: Proper cooling methods were discussed with the manager and the tomato sauce was separated into smaller portions.
39 - Good Retail Practices
Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display
Inspector Comments: 3-305.11 Food Storage-Preventing Contamination from the Premises (C): Cookies were stored uncovered on the pizza pan shelf in the kitchen. Salad toppings were stored uncovered under a dusty pipe near the grill.
44 - Good Retail Practices
Utensils, equipment & linens: properly stored, dried, & handled
Inspector Comments: 4-903.11(A) Equipment, Utensils, Linens and Single-Service and Single-Use Articles Storing (C): Clean drink containers were stored next to the hand sink in a manner that did not prevent from contamination from hand washing.
47 - Good Retail Practices
Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, & used
Inspector Comments: 4-501.12 Cutting Surfaces (C): The cutting board at the food preparation line was heavily scored.
51 - Good Retail Practices
Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
Inspector Comments: 5-205.15 System Maintained in Good Repair (C): The hand sink at the grill line was leaking.
55 - Good Retail Practices
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments: 6-501.12 Cleaning, Frequency and Restrictions (C): The floor under the appliances throughout the kitchen area was heavily soiled. There was food debris on the walls throughout the kitchen area. The floor tiles at the expo line and the grill area were in disrepair.
56 - Good Retail Practices
Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
Inspector Comments: 6-305.11 Designation-Dressing Areas and Lockers (C): Employee belongings were stored throughout the kitchen area.

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

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