Health Inspection Information

The inspection history for the business you selected is displayed below. Each inspection may have zero or more violations. A health inspection report is a "snapshot" of the day and time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment could have more or fewer violations than noted here. Inspections are based on regulations to eliminate risk factors for illness or injury. Every violation is coded indicating the degree of risk in causing an illness or injury.

  • Critical, Major, or Foodborne Illness Risk Factor Violations: These violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to illness or injury. Inspectors work with operators to make sure that these violations are corrected whenever feasible before they leave the establishment. A re-inspection may be scheduled to verify compliance.
  • Non-Critical, Minor or Good Retail Practice Violations: These violations are not directly related to the cause of illness or injury, but if uncorrected, could negatively affect the operation of the facility, such as maintenance and cleanliness.

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

Facility Details
Program Food
Facility Name East Cafe
Business Name East Cafe
Address 15140 E Mississippi Ave
Aurora, CO 80012-3730
Phone 303-369-6103

Inspection Details
02/11/2022 Inspection, Routine
02 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Certified Food Protection Manager
Inspector Comments: An individual in a supervisory role could not provide a food protection manager certificate upon request.
09 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
No bare hand contact with RTE food or a pre-approved alternative procedure properly allowed
Inspector Comments: An employee at the grill line touched ready-to-eat crab rangoon egg rolls with his bare hands. Corrective Action: Education was provided regarding using a barrier, such as gloves or utensils, when working with ready to eat foods.
13 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
Inspector Comments: Several dented baby corn cans in the dry storage area were stored with other wholesome cans. Corrective Action: Dented cans were separated from other wholesome cans.
15 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Food separated and protected
Inspector Comments: Raw beef and raw chicken in the walk-in refrigerator were stored on the top shelf and unprotected from ready-to-eat foods. Cooked shrimp was found commingling with raw beef in the cook line reach-in refrigerator. Corrective Action: Staff moved all food items to approved locations based off cooking temperature/hierarchy.
21 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Proper hot holding temperatures
Inspector Comments: A container of egg fried rice at the holding station line was 72°F, which was less than 135°F. A tray of egg foo young stored on a rice bag in the dry storage area was 101 °F. A container of cooked imitation crab that was left in the microwave was 81°F during the inspection. Corrective Action: The above food items were moved to the hot holding unit to maintain the correct temperature.
22 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Proper cold holding temperatures
Inspector Comments: The following food items in the cold holding unit adjacent to the cookline were stored above 41°F: cooked beef strips (51°F), kung pao shrimp (58°F), and cooked pork cubes (62°F). Emperor shrimp sauce on the food preparation table was 62°F. Corrective Action: Ice was added to the wells for rapid cooling. Discussed methods to maintain temperatures at 41°F or below. TAPHC was discussed as an option for holding emperor shrimp sauce.
23 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Proper date marking and disposition
Inspector Comments: Date marking was not followed in the facility. Corrective action: The inspector reviewed date-marking requirements with the person in charge.
28 - Foodborne Illness Risk Factors
Toxic substances properly identified, stored & used
Inspector Comments: Floor cleaner was stored with food cans in the back food preparation area. Chemical spray bottles throughout the kitchen were unlabeled. Corrective Action: Floor cleaner was moved to an approved location. The chemical spray bottles were labeled.
54 - Good Retail Practices
Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
Inspector Comments: The facilities dumpster did not have a lid.
01/17/2020 Inspection, Routine
01/15/2020 Inspection, First Operational

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

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