Health Inspection Information

The inspection history for the business you selected is displayed below. Each inspection may have zero or more violations. A health inspection report is a "snapshot" of the day and time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment could have more or fewer violations than noted here. Inspections are based on regulations to eliminate risk factors for illness or injury. Every violation is coded indicating the degree of risk in causing an illness or injury.

  • Critical, Major, or Foodborne Illness Risk Factor Violations: These violations are more likely than other violations to contribute to illness or injury. Inspectors work with operators to make sure that these violations are corrected whenever feasible before they leave the establishment. A re-inspection may be scheduled to verify compliance.
  • Non-Critical, Minor or Good Retail Practice Violations: These violations are not directly related to the cause of illness or injury, but if uncorrected, could negatively affect the operation of the facility, such as maintenance and cleanliness.

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

Facility Details
Program Childcare
Facility Name Early Childhood Center at Gregory Hills
Business Name Early Childhood Center at Gregory Hills
Address 8030 Irving St
Westminster, CO 80031-4124
Phone 303-428-1560

Inspection Details
10/24/2019 Inspection, Routine
07a - Critical
: Building Hazards Controlled
Inspector Comments: Scented spray products were observed in multiple rooms throughout the facility.
09b - Non-Critical
: Play Equipment
Inspector Comments: The corners to the wooden kitchenette play equipment in room 7 was not smooth and easily cleanable.
09e - Non-Critical
: Toys, Furnishing & Equipment
Inspector Comments: Vinyl couches in room 14 and room 4 were torn and in disrepair.
10e - Critical
: Sanitizers
Inspector Comments: Sanitizer in room 12 was above 200 ppm residual chlorine.
12d - Critical
: Diapering
Inspector Comments: Staff stated that chlorine disinfectant was not left on diapering surface for the required 5 minutes minimum contact time.
10/03/2017 Inspection, Routine
07b - Non-Critical
: Building
Inspector Comments: Window screen were missing in rooms 1, 4, and 6. A light in room 14 was not functioning.
09e - Non-Critical
: Toys, Furnishing & Equipment
Inspector Comments: Rooms 2 and 4 contained tattered paper blocks that were no longer smooth and easy to clean.
10e - Critical
: Sanitizers
Inspector Comments: Sanitizer bottles throughout the facility were mislabeled as disinfectants, or simply marked "bleach water".
11c - Non-Critical
: Non-Critical Requirements
Inspector Comments: The floor in the walk in cooler was soiled with debris.
14b - Critical
: Poisonous or Toxic Materials
Inspector Comments: Chemical spray bottles in rooms 11, 13, and 15 were unlabeled as to their contents.
14c - Critical
: Art and Science Materials
Inspector Comments: Food items being used as art and science materials were not labeled as "not for consumption" in rooms 4, 9, and 14.
09/26/2016 Inspection, Routine
06a - Non-Critical
: Grounds Maintained
Inspector Comments: A large pool of standing water was present on the playground and was not draining properly. The sandbox in the playground area was not provided with a cover.
09b - Non-Critical
: Play Equipment
Inspector Comments: An unlabeled spray bottle containing water was present in room #11. Several oil based art supplies in room #11 were stored in an unlocked cabinet accessible to children.
10/16/2015 Inspection, Routine
03b - Non-Critical
Facility: Building, Detached Structures, Modulars
Inspector Comments: Carpeted flooring was observed by hand sinks in classrooms 1,3,4,6,7,9,10 and 15. Carpet rugs were present under the drinking fountains in the hallway outside of the kitchen. The caulking by the hand sink in room number 4 was cracked. The wood shelving under the hand sink in room number 7 was chipped. The ceiling tiles in the back of the classroom above the windows in classroom number 14 were chipped and cracked.
07d - Non-Critical
Food Service: Non-Critical Food Violations
Inspector Comments: The floors, walls, and ceilings in the walk in cooler were cracked. The floor in the walk in cooler was rusted. The fan guards in the walk in cooler were dusted.
10/01/2014 Inspection, Routine
10/10/2013 Inspection, Routine
03b - Non-Critical
Facility: Building, Detached Structures, Modulars
Inspector Comments: In rooms 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 15 there is carpet flooring by the hand sink in the classrooms. In rooms 1, 4, 7, and 6 had windows that opened that did not have screens installed to help keep pests from entering the rooms.
04f - Non-Critical
Sanitary Facilities and Controls: Water Supply, Plumbed Facilities, Custodial Areas
Inspector Comments: The water fountain in the classroom hallway did not have a water stream that flowed above the slash guard, thus keeping the mouth from contacting the splash guard.
05c - Non-Critical
Interior Design: Individual Storage, Ill/injured Child Area
Inspector Comments: In rooms 3, 4, 7, and 9 the cabinets did not have locks on them to prevent child access to the chemicals and other items stored in them, or were found with the locks not attached to prevent child access.
05d - Non-Critical
Interior Design: Play and Napping/Sleeping Equipment
Inspector Comments: In room 3 the staff stated that she changes the sensory table once every 2 weeks, not once a week as required by child care rules and regulations.
06d - Critical
Disease Prevention: Proper Use, Storage, Labeling of sanitizers/disinfectants, immunization records
Inspector Comments: In the computer room there was no sanitizer or disinfectant for the table tops, or toys inside of the room. In room number 15 the spray sanitizer had a concentration over 200ppm of chlorine for use as a table top and toy sanitizer.
07d - Non-Critical
Food Service: Non-Critical Food Violations
Inspector Comments: The walk in cooler in the kitchen was found with cracks in the concrete walls, and mold in the corners. The walk in cooler did not have a thermometer inside of the unit, and the door and frame are painted wood construction.
10a - Critical
Toxic Materials Management: Proper Use, Storage, Labeling of Toxic Materials
Inspector Comments: In room number 6 an unapproved Clorox spray cleanser was found on the shelf above the hand washing sink.
05/21/2012 Inspection, Routine
05/23/2011 Inspection, Routine
05/13/2010 Inspection, Follow-Up
05/11/2010 Inspection, Follow-Up
05/04/2010 Inspection, Routine

Please Note: Tri-County converted to a new database in July 2013. Any inspections listed prior to July 2013 only display the date and type of inspection, but not the inspector comments because of the database conversion. For inspection reports prior to July 2013 please submit a written request to

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