Food Facility Details

Address 135 W VENTURA BLVD

Google Maps

Phone 805-437-1772

The inspection history you have selected is displayed below.  Each inspection may have zero or more violations.  A description of the violation(s) reported is displayed by clicking on an inspection.  This description is representative of the type of violation observed and not the actual violation. An explaination of the violation can be obtained by clicking on the violation's description.
Violations posted here and noted on the inspection form represent conditions found during the actual inspection.  The facility's present condition may be substantially different.

The food facility operator must make a copy of the most recent inspection report available to the public.  A copy of the actual inspection report may be obtained from our offices during regular business hours. Click here for more information.

Inspection Details
03/19/2019 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
08/27/2018 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
02/23/2018 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
08/22/2017 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
02/01/2017 INSPECTION, FOLLOW-UP - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
01/03/2017 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
11/16/2015 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
12/23/2014 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
06/26/2014 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
12/20/2013 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
03/12/2013 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
09/10/2012 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
03/01/2012 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT
08/18/2011 INSPECTION, ROUTINE - MARKET 5000-9999 SQ FT

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